Friday, September 7, 2012

Virgin Coconut Oil

Who would have thought that a tablespoon of virgin coconut oil a day could melt the pounds away? Yet research shows that it does exactly that plus boost our health is many other ways.
Virgin coconut oil is different from other cooking oils in that it has medium-chain fatty acids rather than long-chain fatty acids. It also contains caprylic acid, capric acid, and lauric acid, all good compounds that are beneficial to our health.
Immune System Support: Consuming coconut oil may help to fight off disease and illness thanks to its antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. If you're battling any kind of virus or infection, try taking coconut oil.
Cardiovascular Health: Although coconut oil is a saturated fat, several studies have found that eating virgin coconut oil does not have adverse effects upon the heart. On the contrary, it appears to reduce the risk of high cholesterol and heart attack. Earlier studies done on coconut oil that found it caused high cholesterol were done using partially hydrogenated coconut oil and not virgin coconut oil and the studies were done on animals, not humans.
Researchers found that Polynesians in the Cook Islands whose diet is extremely high in coconut oil have low cholesterol levels and a very low incidence of heart attack compared to people in the rest of New Zealand who do not consume as much coconut oil. In Sri Lanka, a study found that the incidence of heart attack has risen as the consumption of coconut oil has gone down.
Thyroid Support: Many people believe that consuming extra virgin coconut oil can help with the symptoms of hypothyroidism. While scientific evidence is conflicting in this regard, many people with hypothyroidism have successfully improved or even reversed their hypothyroidism and have been able to stop taking thyroid medication. Remember that it may not work for everyone and it is important to consult with your doctor before stopping any medications.
Weight Loss: Studies found that women who took virgin coconut oil every day had a significant reduction in abdominal fat. Even though coconut oil is a type of fat, it may actually help you to lose weight. Because it contains medium chain fatty acids rather than long chain fatty acids like some other commonly used oils, the body uses coconut oil for energy and does not store much of it as fat. In this way, it helps to boost the metabolism.
Staph Fighter: When applied to wounds and sores, virgin coconut oil may prevent further staph infection. One study found that virgin coconut oil was beneficial in the treatment of atopic dematitis that was colonized with Staphylococcus aureus.
Wound Healing: Studies on mice found that wounds treated with virgin coconut oil healed faster and showed higher collagen cross-linking than the control group.
Stretch Mark Prevention: In Asia, coconut oil is commonly used to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. Already have stretch marks? Women have also found that applying coconut oil to stretch marks after they have formed erases the stretch marks or greatly reduces their appearance.
Skin Benefits: Moisturizing your skin is the key to keeping it youthful and healthy and coconut oil can be used in place of lotion for a healthier moisturizer. When coconut oil is used, it also helps to fight bacteria and other skin problems including rashes, dermatitis, acne, wrinkles, eczema, and psoriasis. If you have an area of skin that is irritated, rub coconut oil on the skin to soothe the inflammation and reduce the symptoms.
Healthy Hair: Coconut oil can also be used to improve the health of your scalp and hair. One way it helps is by strengthening the strands and reducing protein loss during washing. Try applying a little bit of coconut oil on your hair to brush out tangles or massage a tiny bit on coconut oil on the scalp for a silky, strong, head of hair.
Digestive System: Coconut oil has been found by many people to be beneficial for digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, and indigestion. Coconut oil fights unhealthy bacteria in the digestive system and it also assists in nutrient absorption within the body.

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